Aliyah Deane

Voice Actor




Hi! I'm Aliyah, and this is my Carrd typically used for voice acting! Here, you'll find my contact information, demo reel, previous works that I've done, and more! (Keep in mind that many of these things aren't here yet because none of the projects I have been cast yet are public as of the time that I'm writing this. Stay tuned!)

shh this is a spacerrrr


I'm a 16-year-old aspiring voice actor who is looking to start my career as early as possible. I'm looking to learn, grow and improve my skill every single day. Although I may not be the most experienced voice actor, I'm more than ready to experiment and try new things!

Typically, I do best in younger roles such as younger girls, but I'm not bad at teenage voices, and I've even been cast as characters in their middle ages. I've been in concert band for 5 years, jazz band for 1 year, choir for 1 year, and I've been doing various types of dance for 7 years. I'm really into music as you could probably tell.

I'm absolutely not perfect, and there are stills things to improve upon, so feedback is welcome! I'm hoping to get into some pretty awesome projects in the future, but I'm more than happy to start off small!

shh this is a spacerrrr


Unfortunately, none of the projects I've been cast in have gone public yet. I will put things like my demo reel and projects here once more of the projects I'm working on go public! Thanks! :)

shh this is a spacerrrr


If you ever need to get in touch with me, here's a list of my contact information!

  • Discord: ali.chr#9895

  • Twitter: AliyahTheWeirdo @aliyah1164

  • YouTube: Aliyah VA

  • Casting Call Club: LiTheWeirdo

  • Email: [email protected]

shh this is a spacerrrr